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Home / Products / Cap Liner Inserting Machine / High speed automatic plastic cap aluminum foil/foam seal liner inserting lining machine


Address : No.268 Xitang  Road,Economic-Technological Development Zone , Zhangjiagang City , Jiangsu Province , China
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High speed automatic plastic cap aluminum foil/foam seal liner inserting lining machine

This type auto bottle cap liner/wad inserting putting machine is used to insert the liner/aluminum foil/PE foam into bottle lids , the LSN-L6 type machine speed can do around 200 pieces per minute, also our company can customized the machine base on customer products and requirements.
Cap Diameter(mm):
Speed :
  • LSN-L6


Our LSN-L series standard cap lining machine inserts induction wads/ liners in caps from pre-cut liners. Among the various types of cap wadding machines, we have different models of machines that are convenient for every production need, such as: Production Rate, Sizes and Shapes of caps.


This cap lining machine working principle: 

The caps will be stacked into a Vibratory or Elevator Hopper physically then the feeder supplies the caps satisfactorily as needed to the machine in the arranged style. 

The cap tunnel moves the cap to a positioning star wheel where the caps are filed at predefined areas. 

The wads are stacked into a store tunnel (in same direction) or into a vibratory feeder (for loosely packed liners, ordinarily for EPE or Foam liners) which is set over the wad picking station.

The vacuum picker loading machine is set beneath the section chute which picks the wad individually and places it on the top segment of the ordering star wheel over the caps. At the point when the cap and the wad moves to the following station a pusher drives the wad into the cap and is immovably fixed. 

The gathered cap will be tallied and will get out from the conveyor and defective cap(without liner) will be detection and rejected out. 

The cap lining machine will be fit for taking care of different kinds and sizes of caps and wads with the assistance of changing parts in a allow range.

We have diferent models Wad Inserting Machine , and hot sale model stations with Single Head(LSN-L1), Double Head(LSN-L2) and SIX Head(LSN-L6S). These LSN-L1 and LSN-L2 model heads use vacuum to pick and place pre-cut liners/wads from a magazine into the cap. LSN-L6S model machine is special for thick type liners(thickness more than 0.5mm) and which will use pushing pressing type device to insert liner into caps . A few discretionary worth added highlights are accessible to improve product quality.

Pre-Cut Cap Lining Machine Specifications:

1 Cap Size 15mm-120mm (not one machine to do all these, just in this range to customzied )
2 Electric Supply 110-220 VAC, 1 Phase, 50-60Hz
3 Speed (Output) LSN-L1: 40-60 caps/min; LSN-L2: 80-120 caps/min; LSN-L6S: 160-200 caps/min
4 Wad Thickness 0.2mm-1.0mm
5 Wad Types EP foam & Induction wads/liner/alauminum foils 

cap foam liner inserting machine

cap foam liner inserting machine

Base different customers will have different requirements , so on our cap lining machine you can also have follow additional optional : 

  1. Hot melt glue injection system : sometimes some special caps will need injection a small hot melt into cap first before insert into the liner , so for this type cap we can additional install the hot melt glue injection system onto machine. 

  2. Vision inspection system : sometimes customers have a high requirements on the caps quality , no only need have liner inside but also need caps no broken/no spot /no foreign matter , then we can install a vision inspection system at the machine output conveyor place to do these detection. 

So if you have a need of the auto cap lining machine then please feel free to contact us , we are the professional experience and one of the biggest manufacturer in China for these machines , we can give you a best solutions for your caps projects . 

All of our teams looking forward to work with you and service for you ! Thank You !





    E-mail :
    Phone : +86-15995983945
   Add : No.268 Xitang Road,Economic-Technological Development Zone , Zhangjiagang City , Jiangsu Province , China
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